
Ascreenshotisjustascreenshot.UntilyouuseScreenFloat.Unleashthepowerofscreenshotsand-recordingsandmakethemfloataboveallotherwindows, ...,Thefloatingwindowcanbemovedaroundyourscreen,soyoucanwatchyourvideoswhileworkingonmultiplescreens.Subheading:PictureandPictureand ...,ImportimagesandvideosintoScreenFloat,manageyourfloatingshotsbyhidingorunhidingthem,andcaptureorre-capturescreenshotsandrecordin...

ScreenFloat - Screenshot Tools on the Mac App Store

A screenshot is just a screenshot. Until you use ScreenFloat. Unleash the power of screenshots and -recordings and make them float above all other windows, ...

Picture in picture - Floating Video

The floating window can be moved around your screen, so you can watch your videos while working on multiple screens. Subheading: Picture and Picture and ...

ScreenFloat. Power up your Screenshots

Import images and videos into ScreenFloat, manage your floating shots by hiding or unhiding them, and capture or re-capture screenshots and recordings with ...

Floating screen

Desktop digital clock, providing millisecond display. Support 12 hours, 24 hours switch. Floating teleprompter, small text and script windows for easy video ...

Floating Apps (multitasking)

Experience real multitasking on your Android! Open more apps at the same time in floating windows and enjoy real multitasking! Don't leave current app for a ...

ScreenFloat 2.0

2024年1月17日 — ScreenFloat 2.0 is a Mac-only screenshot utility from Matthias Gansrigler of Eternal Storms Software. As Gansrigler explains, the app is ...


The ERASE SCREEN phrase is always implied by DISPLAY FLOATING WINDOW, so specifying this phrase has no additional effect. Most GUIs (including Windows) cannot ...

Duex Float Portable Stacked Monitor Extender for Laptop

Duex Float is a convenient, yet affordable, stacked portable monitor that allows you to work on the go using multiple screens. Plus, you'll boost productivity ...